Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am all the days that you choose to ignore

Can't Tell More.......

I know you doesn't even care with me. I don't know why I keep this feeling for you. Just see your face it's enough to make me happy, don't know why. I don't care if you don't like me even hate me. As long as you happy I will be happy for you also :") Setiap kali ngeliat lo muncul depan mata gue pasti gue nggak tahan pengen senyum ke elo, tapi karena terhalang harga diri dan kesan geteklah gue nahan diri gue. Tauga? Jujur waktu pertama kali gue niat masuk OSIS itu pengen ngemos elo. Ha-ha-ha. Gue juga waktu itu pengen jadi koor biar bisa deket sama elo (sayangnya gue bukan koornya elu kan) Tapi bodo amat pokoknya sekarang lo udah tau siapa gue itu aja udah cukup kok :"( Dulu waktu masa smp gue naksir elo, banyak yang nginfoin ke gue lo suka sama cewek, adek kelas lo. Gue ketawa22 aja. Gue biasa aja. Soalnya gue kan cuma naksir. Tau naksir kan "Ih cowok itu ganteng ya..." sekedar itu. Gue nggak tau kenapa setelah lo jadi adek kelas gue lagi, kayaknya perasaan gue justru makin aneh. Banyak yang nanya sama gue kok bisa gue naksir sama elo. Gue nggak bisa jawab hal kecil yang terjadi sama gue selama 6 hari itu bisa bikin gue tertarik sama elo. Kapan22 aja gue nyeritainnya. Jadi, sejak lo kembali telihat di mata gue lama kelamaan gue nganggep elo sebagai seseorang yang nggak seharusnya cuma gue kagumi. Tapi.........gue sayangin :O Ntah kenapa setiap istirahat mata gue selalu mencari keberadaan lo, and after I found you, I'll keep watching on you until you left :") Gue nggak ngerti kenapa gue kayak gini. Selama ini gue bisa bener22 suka sama orang yah setidaknya dia temen sekelas gue, atau temen deket gue, selain itu nggak pernah gue ngerasa lebih. Palingan cuma naksir. Kalo lo tau gue naksir elo, ada hal positif dan negatifnya. Positifnya setidaknya gue nggak perlu nyembunyiin lagi kalo gue suka sama elo dan gue juga lega lo udah tau jadi gue nggak mendem lagi. Negatifnya, kemungkinan lo bakalan benci gue seumur hidup lo. Dan gue nggak mau itu terjadi.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Blogging. Not my favorite activities, honestly. I make this blog just for fun or spread informations I get when I’m browsing. Or I tell my unforgettable experience. I blog maybe just 2 times a months, or once a week.  Blogging is really different with tweeting or updating status on Facebook. We can’t tell our days everyday witha short text. My opinion, it just makes blog useless. For example, post a new post on useless blog like this :
“Today, when I woke up I found my sister are sleeping besides me. After that I took a bath, have a breakfast with a slice of bread with peanut butter, then going to school as usual. At school, I have an mathematics exam and I couldn’t finished it. How poor I am! Before get home I see my crush are playing basketball on basketball court. He looks so handsome! Then I get home and have a luch with fried rice. At the afternoon, I’m going to my Japanese course and took a shower when I get home again. When the night comes, I finished my Physics homework and go to sleep. It sucha boring day! Blablablabla....”
See? Sometimes it’s okay to make a post like that, but if ALL of your post consist of that unimportant things? Deactivate your blog, please.
Sorry for make this post and you feel I am wrong. This is just my personal opinion.