Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Today is the last day of 2010. For me, every year mean something different. I have some unforgettable experience every year. But I think a lot of good things and bad things happened throughout this year and I want to write these things, and what I want to accomplish next year.

Awesome Moments :
  1. Big 10 from the top in my know this is my first top 10 after 4 years without achievement.
  2. Making friends with my crush when I was grade 8... and after 2 years Thanks God he already acquainted with me.
  3. Owned my very first laptop since July.
  4. Decrease my weight for about 5kgs :|
  5. When He said "Happy Birthday" to me.... It means everything.
  6. Followed by Justin Bieber on Twitter <3 I would never forget that date, May 8th 2010.
  7. Using glasses... my eyes have a little hard minus and cylinder disease. It's hard to me to live my life without glasses -_-
  8. Social class, even my parents don't really like it and at first honestly I hate it but now I'm so grateful.
  9. I got my new handphone on January.
  10. Became committee of Smansa's School Orientation as coordinator of 10 B from OSIS
  11. The best from the others, my parents marriage still okay.
And actually still many more. Now look how my Horrible Moments are not really different with me Awesome Moments.

Horrible Moments :
  1. Big 10 from the bottom in my class. It happened when I was in grade 10.
  2. Never talked to my crush anymore and it's killing me softly...
  3. Broke my very first laptop and I have to brought it to repaired.
  4. Increase my weight for about..... I don't want to remember.
  5. When some people forget my birthday. 16 are not always suprising.
  6. Unfollowed by some of my close friends on Twitter and I don't know why.
  7. Suffered at school just because I sit on the back and I can't see anything on the whiteboard.
  8. Social Class, at first I cried and my parents yelling at me. They were so disappointed... So do I.
  9. Leaving OSIS and won't become committee of any events anymore.
  10. The worst is, my parents have a big fight... I mean they are arguing about everything I don't even know and they ALMOST separated.
Life is like roller coaster! The phrase turned out to be really true for my life. Somehow things that can make me happy also makes me destroyed instantly. Things that I think so special can be sickening. Vice versa. Human life, like my life was not much give variety for happy or sad things. But I 'm so grateful for every moments that come to me. They teach me how to feel sick, suffer, happy, glad, then I go back down to earth.
After 2010, there are still many things that I should fix and revised. As for example closeness to God. Still lacking. My school life. Must be corrected so next year I can go top 5. Love life. I think this story depends on luckness ........ and I do not know if I'm lucky next year.

Goodbye 2010, I hope 2011 some things are not stay the same. I hope I can finished my every problems which come next year. And of course everyone want to be better right?

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