Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Birhday Justin, I miss the old you.

I found this on my Tumblr, one of my following wrote this and when I read this... I cried. I don't know, as a fan of Justin Bieber I deadly agree with her. Now, I mean, Today is Justin Bieber's 17th birthday. I've already said "Happy Birthday" to him, even though I knew he would never notice my mentions and direct message on Twitter, or status at Facebook, and of course this post. But I would like to say Thanks to him, He is my inspiration since end of 2009 :)

" I miss the Justin Bieber who took pictures with his fans with a real smile. The Justin Bieber who tweeted fans, not just RT the ones who talk about his new movie. The Justin Bieber who was straight up front when he was asked questions, not twist the question around. The Justin Bieber who tweeted Chuck Norris jokes and flirted. The Justin Bieber that put his fans first, not girlfriends. I will always be a belieber, I will always support his music, his decisions, and his projects. I will always love him. He will always think he’s still “that small town kid from Canada” but everyone knows he’s not. He will grow up, date, and steer away from getting personal with interviewers and fans, and im okay with that. And he can take away my dreams of ever having a chance with him, and he will eventually grow up, but please, don't go in the wrong direction. "

 I also found this on Tumblr... about someone who hates Justin and Selena's relationship. And yes I really like this post.

" I don’t like Selena. I don’t like Jelena. I support Justin Bieber. Not his love life. I’m happy to see him happy, but she’s using Justin for his fame. You cannot change my opinion on her. I fell in love with that 15yrold I saw in 2009 singing ‘me plus you, imma tell you one time”. Just because I dont support Jelena doesnt make me a fake fan. You cant make someone like someone. Its not possible. You will all see it when Selena breaks up with him."

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN DREW BIEBER, I AM STILL BEING A BELIEBER UNTIL THIS SECOND! I hope you can go back to the little kid from Canada again...

I forgot about something. I also found a song which is made for Justin Bieber, from one of Beliebers. I heart this song!

♫ I want to make you a gift.. something special, something weird. but not a common gift, of those that you lost them, or never opened them, that you forgot on the train, or didn’t accept them. 
♫ I want to make you a gift, of those that when you open it, you smile and you don’t   pretend, on this day of your birthday, i want to give you the greatest gift!
This is crazy, how can I love you so much, if i don’t even know you? 
Even with jealousy, you still love me. You even tired, but your smile will never leave. Just smile, and the world will smile along with you. 
I was determined to not believe before find you. And I neglected my existence and I didn’t care. I don’t want to hurt you, my love. You was so easy to love, You are the dream, of which i don’t want to wake up. 
You, you, you are the greatest gift. Thank you for make me to believe in dreams, thank you for everything,<3 love you so much. && Happy Birthday

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