Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Blog Is Back!!

Finally!!! I was so upset when Blogger dot com said that my blog has been deleted.What the fcuk is happened? I almost crying until I decided to stop blogging forever. Bit hurts but I was ok.. until yesterday.
Yesterday I didn't know what to do so I checked my blog again and even though they said it has been deleted so I tried to fix this. And here it is,my blog is back!!!

Almost a year you know a year without blogging!! I was so busy for final exam a few months ago but now I am free :) Btw wish me luck for College Selection Test 6 days from now,I will take Accounting program in my future university.

And ah yes, Im still dedicated to Justin Bieber (if you wanna know haha) but now I got starstruck with 4 british and 1 irish boys from X Factor 2010. I'll tell you more about my love for them later :p See ya and thanks for reading!!! :) xxx

Monday, August 1, 2011


Wow... It was a long time ago since I posted something on this site. Have I already forgotten my blog? Absolutely not, I just.... you know, blogless for a couple months.

Now what should I write? Still the same as yesterday, now I'm still affected by the blogsless- syndrome. What is blogless anyway? Actually it's just words from my own personal dictionary; it is a time where I do not know and not too eager to write something on my blog. So you can't find the meaning of this word on Oxford Dictionary or Google Translate B)
Like I said before, I'm still on my blogless syndrome. So, don't expect for something-useful if you continue to read this post. YOOOO LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW!!!!

Lol but if you still stay tune on this page, it would be nice if I give you a little appreciation. What kind of appreciation? A big thanks to you, blog readers :) Hahaha feel disappointed? Hopefully not, because, just for your information, do you know if word "thank you" is the hardest word to be spoken in this world just like the "sorry" word?
Well..... I think I just spamming your dashboard. But I have rights to that, right? Just like Twitter, my blog, my rules.

Catcha later!

With love,
Alexander Amin Caspar Keynes (Skandar Keynes)'s future wife.

 Bonus for reading this post: :pppppppppppppppp

for me, he is the most handsome boy all around the world hahaha
his signature :)
 Nb: Well, if I have much time I'll tell you why Skandar Keynes is in here, and become part of this post lol honestly I don't know why I just love him

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Birhday Justin, I miss the old you.

I found this on my Tumblr, one of my following wrote this and when I read this... I cried. I don't know, as a fan of Justin Bieber I deadly agree with her. Now, I mean, Today is Justin Bieber's 17th birthday. I've already said "Happy Birthday" to him, even though I knew he would never notice my mentions and direct message on Twitter, or status at Facebook, and of course this post. But I would like to say Thanks to him, He is my inspiration since end of 2009 :)

" I miss the Justin Bieber who took pictures with his fans with a real smile. The Justin Bieber who tweeted fans, not just RT the ones who talk about his new movie. The Justin Bieber who was straight up front when he was asked questions, not twist the question around. The Justin Bieber who tweeted Chuck Norris jokes and flirted. The Justin Bieber that put his fans first, not girlfriends. I will always be a belieber, I will always support his music, his decisions, and his projects. I will always love him. He will always think he’s still “that small town kid from Canada” but everyone knows he’s not. He will grow up, date, and steer away from getting personal with interviewers and fans, and im okay with that. And he can take away my dreams of ever having a chance with him, and he will eventually grow up, but please, don't go in the wrong direction. "

 I also found this on Tumblr... about someone who hates Justin and Selena's relationship. And yes I really like this post.

" I don’t like Selena. I don’t like Jelena. I support Justin Bieber. Not his love life. I’m happy to see him happy, but she’s using Justin for his fame. You cannot change my opinion on her. I fell in love with that 15yrold I saw in 2009 singing ‘me plus you, imma tell you one time”. Just because I dont support Jelena doesnt make me a fake fan. You cant make someone like someone. Its not possible. You will all see it when Selena breaks up with him."

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN DREW BIEBER, I AM STILL BEING A BELIEBER UNTIL THIS SECOND! I hope you can go back to the little kid from Canada again...

I forgot about something. I also found a song which is made for Justin Bieber, from one of Beliebers. I heart this song!

♫ I want to make you a gift.. something special, something weird. but not a common gift, of those that you lost them, or never opened them, that you forgot on the train, or didn’t accept them. 
♫ I want to make you a gift, of those that when you open it, you smile and you don’t   pretend, on this day of your birthday, i want to give you the greatest gift!
This is crazy, how can I love you so much, if i don’t even know you? 
Even with jealousy, you still love me. You even tired, but your smile will never leave. Just smile, and the world will smile along with you. 
I was determined to not believe before find you. And I neglected my existence and I didn’t care. I don’t want to hurt you, my love. You was so easy to love, You are the dream, of which i don’t want to wake up. 
You, you, you are the greatest gift. Thank you for make me to believe in dreams, thank you for everything,<3 love you so much. && Happy Birthday

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Top 5 Most Influential Songs of My Life

               Do you like to listening music? Got a favorite song? Surely yes. Music is something that can give much of an effect for our lives. Just by listening to certain music, we can cry, happy, can make we suddenly calm even can also increase our excitement.In my opinion, music is something that can be so influential. Just because of ONE song, I can remember what happened to me on that time, I can reminiscing something important for me... And one song can change my life forever. I have soooooooooooo many influential songs that really 'gives' something for my life, but the top 5 are these:

1. You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift 

Profound Lyrics:                      " I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me "
This song is really mean to me. Why? It really fits for me to describe my feelings to someone who've made me 'think big' so damn much. Its for the people who I consider to understand me, who I think is important for me. He ever said he love me, he is the only reason I go to school whenever I hate that place. And NOW, He is already in a relationship with a girl I know so well and never asked me about my feeling. Yeah... actually He is not mesmerized me anymore. But he is the most beautiful moments and I won't forget him even though we are apart and I don't love him anymore.

2. One Time by Justin Bieber

Profound Lyrics:                      " ALL OF THE WORDS IN THIS SONG ARE MY FAVORITE!"

Yeah, One Time! This song is the very first song of Justin Bieber that could make me crazy with him! Without this song, I thought I won't  fall in love with Justin Bieber. I won't be Beliebers! Haha lol but I'm sure without this song I still heart all of Jusitn's songs <3

3. Nakushita Kotoba by No Regret Life

 Profound Lyrics:                      " Kotae no denai yoru to hitohira no nukumori to
                                                           haruka kanata no akogare to
                                                          tada sore dake wo kurikaeshi boku wa ikite iru"

English translation :                    " Nights when I can't find an answer
                                                           and a single drop of warmth, 
                                                          and my longing for something far away
                                                         I'm spending my whole life just repeating those things over and over."

Remember "Naruto"? I used to watched this cartoon when I was at grade 8. And one of that soundtrack is this song, Nakushita Kotoba.  I really like this song. Just so close to me... I always spend my whole to repeating those THINGS over and over;  loving someone who won't love me.

4. Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance
Profound Lyrics:                                       " If i'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night long? (all night long, all night long)
Now will it matter after i'm gone?
Because you never learned a god damned thing

You're just a sad song

With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you."

No need to explain. I love this song from the first time I hear this. When I listen to this song, I always remember my 'close' friends at Junior High School... Who used to be best I have ever had  ~.~

5. Down To Earth by Justin Bieber

Profound Lyrics:                                       "So tell me how could I ever be normal somehow
You tell me this is for the best,
So tell me why am I in tears
             So far away and now I just need you here."
 My parents used to fighting, arguing each other until they mention this words, Divorce. I got shocked, and this song actually helps me alot. I feel like I'm not alone. And Thanks God, they are not separated. They make peace and we could gathering as a harmonious family back :")

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Personality Quiz

Everyone has a personality of a cartoon character. 
Have you ever asked yourself what cartoon character do you most resemble?
A group of investigators got together and analyzed the personalities of well known and modern cartoon characters. The information that was gathered was made into this test:
Answer all the questions with what describes you best, add up all your points (which are next to the answer that you choose) at the end and look for your results. 

Note: Do not cheat by looking at the end before you are done.
1) Which one of the following describes the perfect date?
         a) Candlelight dinner (4 pts.)
         b) Fun/Theme Park (2 pts.)
         c) Painting in the park (5 pts.)
         d) Rock concert (1 pt.)
         e) Going to the movies (3 pts.)

2) What is your favorite type of music?
         a) Rock and Roll (2 pts.)
         b) Alternative (1 pt.)
         c) Soft Rock (4 pts.)
         d) Country (5 pts.)
         e) Pop (3 pts.)

3) What type of movies do you prefer?
         a) Comedy (2 pts.)
         b) Horror (1 pt.)
         c) Musical (3 pts.)
         d) Romance (4 pts.)
         e) Documentary (5 pts.)

4) Which one of these occupations would you choose if you only could choose one of these?
        a) Waiter (4 pts.)
         b) Professional Sports Player (5 pts.)
         c) Teacher (3 pts.)
         d) Police (2 pts.)
         e) Cashier (1 pt.)

5) What do you do with your spare time?
         a) Exercise (5 pts.)
         b) Read (4 pts.)
         c) Watch television (2 pts.)
         d) Listen to music (1 pt.)
         e) Sleep (3 pts.)

6) Which one of the following colors do you like best?
         a) Yellow (1 pt.)
         b) White (5 pts.)
         c) Sky Blue (3 pts.)
         d) Dark Blue (2 pts.)
         e) Red (4 pts.)

7) What do you prefer to eat right now?
         a) Snow (3 pts.)
         b) Pizza (2 pts.)
         c) Sushi (1 pt.)
         d) Pasta (4 pts.)
         e) Salad (5 pts.)

8) What is your favorite Holiday?
         a) Halloween (1 pt.)
         b) Christmas (3 pts.)
         c) New Year (2 pts.)
         d) Valentines Day (4 pts.)
         e) Thanksgiving (5 pts.)

9) If you could go to one of these places which one would it be?
         a) Paris (4 pts.)
         b) Spain (5 pts.)
         c) Las Vegas (1 pt.)
         d) Hawaii (4 pts.)
         e) Hollywood (3 pts.)

10) With which of the following would you prefer to spend time with?
         a) Someone Smart (5 pts.)
         b) Someone attractive (2 pts.)
         c) Someone who likes to Party (1 pt.)
         d) Someone who always has fun (3 pts..)
         e) Someone very sentimental (4 pts.)

Now add up your points and find out the answer you have been waiting for!

(10-16 points) You are Garfield: You are very comfortable, easy going, and you definitely know how to have fun but sometimes you take it to an extreme. You always know what you are doing and you are always in control of your life. Others may not see things as you do, but that doesn't mean that you always have to do what is right. Try to remember your happy spirit may hurt you or others.

(18-26 points) You are Snoopy: You are fun, you are very cool and popular. You always know what's in and you never are out of style. You are good at knowing how to satisfy everyone else. You have probably disappeared for a few days more than once but you always come home with the family values that you learned. Being married and having children are important to you, but only after you have had your share of fun times.

(22-28 points) You are Arnold: You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: try not to be too much of a dreamer, if not you will have many conflicts with life.

(29-34 points) You are Sponge Bob Square Pants: You are the classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend that anyone could ever have and never want to loose. You never cause harm to anyone and they would never not understand your feelings. Life is a journey, it's funny and calm for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people, then you will be stress free.

(35-42 points) You are Charlie Brown: you are tender, you fall in love quickly but you are also very serious about all relationships. You are a family person. You call your mom every Sunday. You have many friends and may occasionally forget a few Birthdays. Don't let your passion confuse you with reality.

(43-50 points) You are Dexter: You are smart and definitely a thinker. Every situation is fronted with a plan. You have a brilliant mind. You demonstrate very strong family principles. Maintain a stable routine but never ignore a bad situation when it comes.

So, how's your score? I have 27 points and got Arnold. I copied this personality quiz from one of website for jokes. Tell me your score on my comments list! :-)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Today is the last day of 2010. For me, every year mean something different. I have some unforgettable experience every year. But I think a lot of good things and bad things happened throughout this year and I want to write these things, and what I want to accomplish next year.

Awesome Moments :
  1. Big 10 from the top in my know this is my first top 10 after 4 years without achievement.
  2. Making friends with my crush when I was grade 8... and after 2 years Thanks God he already acquainted with me.
  3. Owned my very first laptop since July.
  4. Decrease my weight for about 5kgs :|
  5. When He said "Happy Birthday" to me.... It means everything.
  6. Followed by Justin Bieber on Twitter <3 I would never forget that date, May 8th 2010.
  7. Using glasses... my eyes have a little hard minus and cylinder disease. It's hard to me to live my life without glasses -_-
  8. Social class, even my parents don't really like it and at first honestly I hate it but now I'm so grateful.
  9. I got my new handphone on January.
  10. Became committee of Smansa's School Orientation as coordinator of 10 B from OSIS
  11. The best from the others, my parents marriage still okay.
And actually still many more. Now look how my Horrible Moments are not really different with me Awesome Moments.

Horrible Moments :
  1. Big 10 from the bottom in my class. It happened when I was in grade 10.
  2. Never talked to my crush anymore and it's killing me softly...
  3. Broke my very first laptop and I have to brought it to repaired.
  4. Increase my weight for about..... I don't want to remember.
  5. When some people forget my birthday. 16 are not always suprising.
  6. Unfollowed by some of my close friends on Twitter and I don't know why.
  7. Suffered at school just because I sit on the back and I can't see anything on the whiteboard.
  8. Social Class, at first I cried and my parents yelling at me. They were so disappointed... So do I.
  9. Leaving OSIS and won't become committee of any events anymore.
  10. The worst is, my parents have a big fight... I mean they are arguing about everything I don't even know and they ALMOST separated.
Life is like roller coaster! The phrase turned out to be really true for my life. Somehow things that can make me happy also makes me destroyed instantly. Things that I think so special can be sickening. Vice versa. Human life, like my life was not much give variety for happy or sad things. But I 'm so grateful for every moments that come to me. They teach me how to feel sick, suffer, happy, glad, then I go back down to earth.
After 2010, there are still many things that I should fix and revised. As for example closeness to God. Still lacking. My school life. Must be corrected so next year I can go top 5. Love life. I think this story depends on luckness ........ and I do not know if I'm lucky next year.

Goodbye 2010, I hope 2011 some things are not stay the same. I hope I can finished my every problems which come next year. And of course everyone want to be better right?

Sunday, December 19, 2010


What do you think about lying? Sucks? Disgusting? Inappropriate? Whatever you say I will not take any actions. I have personal experience about lying. I ever did it. Yes, lying. Of course! Everyone in this world ever do it No matter if it just once on their lifetime, everyone must be lying. But what if I do it continously to my closest friends? You might be thinks I am so damn evil. I called myself as a LIAR! One thing you should know, Lying doesn't always purpose to be wicked. Why? Because sometimes, it happened without any motivation. It comes without any please. It comes on its way and I don't know why it begin.
Honestly, when I was in grade 7, I said to my best friend, "I have a boyfriend! Now I'm going steady." or something like that. It was not true, but she asked me to tell how it happened, how could I know him, etc. I don't have any strength to say "Sorry, it just a kidding." or "It is not true, I'm lying" but I started to tell a bullshit. I don't know what I said all I know It just a bullshit. There is a little pain on my deepest heart after I did it but when they ask me to tell more I can't force myself to stop. And yeah that's how my bullshit life story begin.

                                                                                           pictures by Google

A year passed and my bullshit story becomes more and more serious. I told my best friends that some boys are falling in love with them. I made them happy even though it just a lie. I am so scared if someday they know I was lying so I started to slowly make they forget but suddenly they know it. They were so angry but time passed and they forgave me. Until this second they might be still not forget what I have done. I don't know. I regret for what I've done, I know karma does exist and I don't know where when and how karma will come to me.
And actually I wrote this just to make they believe that I NEVER lying in purpose to wicked them. And I really hate it if anyone ask me why I did it. I just don't know...