Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Berikut ini adalah macam-macam phobia beserta nama ilmiahnya :

  • Takut Air – Hydrophobia,
  • Takut Agama – Theologicophobia,
  • Takut Aliran Udara – Aerophobia,
  • Takut Alkohol – Methyphobia,
  • Takut Amnesia – Amnesiphobia,
  • Takut Anggur – Oenophobia,
  • Takut Angin – Ancraophobia,
  • Takut Angka – Arithmophobia,
  • Takut Angka 13 – Triskaidekaphobia,
  • Takut Angka 8 – Octophobia,
  • Takut Anjing – Cynophobia,
  • Takut Anjing Laut – Lutraphobia,
  • Takut Api – Arsonphobia,
  • Takut Awan – Nephophobia,
  • Takut Ayam – Alektorophobia,
  • Takut Ayan – Hylephobia,
  • Takut Badut – Coulrophobia,
  • Takut Bahan Kimia – Chemophobia,
  • Takut Bangunan Tinggi – Batophobia,
  • Takut Banjir – Antlophobia,
  • Takut Bapak Tiri – Vitricophobia,
  • Takut Batu Nisan – Placophobia,
  • Takut Bau Badan – Bromidrosiphobia,
  • Takut Bau Bauan – Olfactophobia,
  • Takut Bau Busuk – Autodysomophobia,
  • Takut Bawa Mobil – Amaxophobia,
  • Takut Bawang Putih – Alliumphobia,
  • Takut Bayangan – Sciaphobia,
  • Takut Bebas – Eleutherophobia,
  • Takut Belanda – Dutchphobia,
  • Takut Benang – Linonophobia,
  • Takut Benda di Sebelah Kanan – Dextrophobia,
  • Takut Benda di Sebelah Kiri – Levophobia,
  • Takut Berantakan – Ataxophobia,
  • Takut Berbicara – Laliophobia,
  • Takut Bercinta – Malaxophobia,
  • Takut Berdosa – Hamartophobia,
  • Takut Berfikir – Phronemophobia,
  • Takut Berita Baik – Euphobia,
  • Takut Berjalan – Stasibasiphobia,
  • Takut Berjanji – Enissophobia,
  • Takut Berkotbah – Homilophobia,
  • Takut Berlarut – Apeirophobia,
  • Takut Bertanggung Jawab – Hypegiaphobia,
  • Takut Binatang – Zoophobia.
  • Takut Binatang Liar – Agrizoophobia,
  • Takut Binatang Melata – Herpetophobia,
  • Takut Bintang – Astrophobia,
  • Takut Bintang Berekor – Cometophobia,
  • Takut Bom Atom – Atomosophobia,
  • Takut Boneka – Pediophobia,
  • Takut Bosan – Xerophobia,
  • Takut Botak – Phalacrophobia,
  • Takut Buku – Bibliophobia,
  • Takut Bulan – Selenophobia,
  • Takut Bulu Ayam – Pteronophobia,
  • Takut Bunga – Anthophobia,
  • Takut Bungkuk – Kyphophobia,
  • Takut Burung – Ornithophobia,
  • Takut Buta – Scotomaphobia,
  • Takut Cabut Gigi – Odontophobia,
  • Takut Cacing – Scoleciphobia,
  • Takut Cacing Pita – Taeniophobia,
  • Takut Cahaya – Photophobia,
  • Takut Cahaya dari Utara – Auroraphobia,
  • Takut Caplak – Phthiriophobia,
  • Takut Cemburu – Zelophobia,
  • Takut Cermin – Catoptrophobia,
  • Takut Cina – Sinophobia,
  • Takut Corak Baru – Cainophobia
  • Takut Daerah Perbatasan – Claustrophobia,
  • Takut Daging – Carnophobia,
  • Takut Dagu – Geniophobia,
  • Takut Danau – Limnophobia,
  • Takut Darah – Hemaphobia,
  • Takut Debu – Amathophobia,
  • Takut Demam – Fibriophobia,
  • Takut Demo – Daemonophobia,
  • Takut Di dalam Rumah – Oikophobia,
  • Takut di Ejek – Katagelophobia,
  • Takut di Hipnotis – Hynophobia,
  • Takut Di pandang – Opthalmophobia,
  • Takut Diabaikan – Athazagoraphobia,
  • Takut Dibatasi – Merinthophobia,
  • Takut Dibenci – Melophobia,
  • Takut Dicekik – Pnigophobia,
  • Takut Dicuri – Cleptophobia,
  • Takut Dihukum – Mastigophobia,
  • Takut Dihukum Berat – Rhabdophobia,
  • Takut Dikubur Sendirian – Taphephobia,
  • Takut Diluar Ruangan – Spacephobia,
  • Takut Dingin – Cheimaphobia,
  • Takut Dinilai Negatif – Socialphobia,
  • Takut Diracun – Toxicophobia,
  • Takut Dirampok – Harpaxophobia,
  • Takut Disentuh – Chiraptophobia,
  • Takut Disuntik – Trypanophobia,
  • Takut Ditatap – Scopophobia,
  • Takut Ditertawakan – Catagelophobia,
  • Takut Ditinggal Sendiri – Eremophobia,
  • Takut Dokter Gigi – Dentophobia,
  • Takut Duduk – Cathisophobia,
  • Takut Duduk di Bawah – Kathisophobia,
  • Takut Emas – Aurophobia,
  • Takut Es Batu – Cryophobia,
  • Takut Fenomena Kosmis – Kosmikophobia,
  • Takut Filosofi – Philosophobia,
  • Takut Gagal – Atychiphobia,
  • Takut Gagap – Psellismophobia,
  • Takut Gedung Pertunjukan – Theatrophobia,
  • Takut Gelap – Lygophobia,
  • Takut Gelas – Hyelophobia,
  • Takut Gelombang – Kymophobia,
  • Takut Gembira – Cherophobia,
  • Takut Gerakan – Kinetophobia,
  • Takut Getaran – Tremophobia,
  • Takut Gravitasi – Barophobia,
  • Takut Guntur – Ceraunophobia,
  • Takut Halloween – Samhainophobia,
  • Takut Hamil – Tocophobia,
  • Takut Hantu – Bogyphobia,
  • Takut Hujan – Ombrophobia,
  • Takut Hukuman – Poinephobia,
  • Takut Hutan – Xylophobia,
  • Takut Hutan di Malam Hari – Nyctophobia,
  • Takut Ibu Tiri – Novercaphobia,
  • Takut Ide Baru – Cenophobia,
  • Takut Ikan – Ichthyophobia,
  • Takut Inggris – Anglophobia,
  • Takut Insektisida – Entomophobia,
  • Takut Jadi Gila – Lysssophobia,
  • Takut Jalan – Ambulophobia,
  • Takut Jamur – Mycophobia,
  • Takut Jarum – Aichmophobia,
  • Takut Jatuh – Basiphobia
  • Takut Jatuh Cinta – Philophobia,
  • Takut Jelek – Cacophobia,
  • Takut Jembatan Penyeberangan – Gephydrophobia,
  • Takut Jepang – Japanophobia,
  • Takut Jerman – Teutophobia,
  • Takut Jomblo – Anuptaphobia,
  • Takut Jum’at ke 13 – Paraskavedekatriaphobia,
  • Takut Kabut – Homichlophobia,
  • Takut Kacang – Arachibutyrophobia,
  • Takut Kaget – Hormephobia,
  • Takut Kain Lap – Vestiphobia,
  • Takut Kain Satin – Satanophobia,
  • Takut Kanker – Carcinophobia,
  • Takut Kata Kata – Verbophobia,
  • Takut Kata yang Panjang – Sesquipedalophobia,
  • Takut Katak – Ranidaphobia,
  • Takut Kaya – Plutophobia,
  • Takut Ke Sekolah – Didaskaleinophobia,
  • Takut Kecelakaan – Dystychiphobia,
  • Takut Kedalaman – Bathophobia,
  • Takut Kedokter – Iatrophobia,
  • Takut Kegelapan – Myctophobia,
  • Takut Kejatuhan Benda – Atephobia,
  • Takut Kekacauan – Demophobia,
  • Takut Kelahiran – Parturiphobia,
  • Takut Kemajuan – Prosophobia,
  • Takut Kembali ke Rumah – Nostophobia,
  • Takut Kembung – Anginophobia,
  • Takut Keramaian – Agoraphobia,
  • Takut Kerang-Kerangan – Ostraconophobia,
  • Takut Kereta Api – Diderodromophobia,
  • Takut Keriput – Rhytiphobia,
  • Takut Kerja Berlebihan – Ponophobia,
  • Takut Kertas – Papyrophobia,
  • Takut Kesakitan – Agliophobia,
  • Takut Ketinggian – Altophobia,,
  • Takut Ketularan – Tapinophobia,
  • Takut Keturunan – Patroiophobia,
  • Takut Kezaliman – Tyrannophobia,
  • Takut Kilat – Brontophobia,
  • Takut Kodok – Bufonophobia,
  • Takut Komputer – Cyberphobia,
  • Takut Kotor – Automysophobia,
  • Takut Kriminal – Peccatophobia,
  • Takut Kristal – Crystallophobia,
  • Takut Kuburan – Coimetrophobia,
  • Takut Kucing – Ailurophobia,
  • Takut Kuda – Equinophobia,
  • Takut Kulit Binatang – Doraphobia,
  • Takut Kuman – Spermatophobia,
  • Takut Kunci – Chronomentrophobia,
  • Takut Kutu – Pediculophobia,
  • Takut Laba Laba – Arachnophobia,
  • Takut Laki Laki – Arrhenophobia,
  • Takut Lampu Sorot – Selaphobia,
  • Takut Laut – Thalassophobia,
  • Takut Lebah – Apiphobia,
  • Takut Lecet – Amychophobia,
  • Takut Lelah – Kopophobia,
  • Takut Lembab – Hygrophobia,
  • Takut Listrik – Enochlophobia,
  • Takut Logam – Metallophobia,
  • Takut Lompat – Catapedaphobia,
  • Takut Luka – Dematophobia,
  • Takut Lumpuh – Poliosophobia,
  • Takut Lumpur – Blennophobia,
  • Takut Lutut – Genuphobia,
  • Takut Mabuk Udara – Aeronausiphobia,
  • Takut Makan – Phagophobia,
  • Takut Makanan – Sitophobia,
  • Takut Mal Praktek – Ergasiophobia,
  • Takut Malam – Noctiphobia,
  • Takut Maling – Scelerophobia,
  • Takut Mandek – Ankylophobia,
  • Takut Mandi – Ablutophobia,
  • Takut Marah – Angrophobia,
  • Takut Masak – Mageirocophobia,
  • Takut Mata Kabur – Diplophobia,
  • Takut Mata Mata – Ommatophobia,
  • Takut Matahari – Heliophobia,
  • Takut Mati – Thantophobia,
  • Takut Melahirkan – Lockiophobia,
  • Takut Melarat – Peniaphobia
  • Takut Melihat Massa – Ochlophobia,
  • Takut Membelakangi – Dishabiliophobia,
  • Takut Membuat Keputusan – Decidophobia,
  • Takut Membuat Perubahan – Tropophobia,
  • Takut Membuka Satu Mata – Optophobia,
  • Takut Membusuk – Seplophobia,
  • Takut Menari – Chorophobia,
  • Takut Mencium – Philemaphobia,
  • Takut Mendengar Kata Tertentu – Onomatophobia,
  • Takut Menderita – Panthophobia,
  • Takut Menganggur – Domatophobia,
  • Takut Mengingat – Mnemophobia,
  • Takut Menikah – Gamophobia,
  • Takut Menjadi Sakit – Nosemaphobia,
  • Takut Menstruasi – Monophobia,
  • Takut Menua – Gerascophobia,
  • Takut Menulis di Papan – Scriptophobia,
  • Takut Menunggu Lama – Macrophobia,
  • Takut Menyeberang – Agyrophobia,
  • Takut Merasa Nyaman – Hedonophobia,
  • Takut Mertua – Pentheraphobia,
  • Takut Mesin – Mechanophobia,
  • Takut Meteor – Meterorophobia,
  • Takut Mikroba – Bacillophobia,
  • Takut Mimisan – Epistaxiophobia,
  • Takut Mimpi – Oneirophobia,
  • Takut Minum Obat – Pharmacophobia,
  • Takut Minuman – Dipsophobia,
  • Takut Mitos – Mythophobia,
  • Takut Mobil – Motorphobia,
  • Takut Monster – Teratophobia,
  • Takut Mukanya Merah – Ereuthophobia,
  • Takut Mulut Kejang – Tetanophobia,
  • Takut Muntahan – Emetophobia,
  • Takut Naik Mobil – Ochophobia,
  • Takut Naik Pesawat – Aviophobia,
  • Takut Nama Nama – Namatophobia,
  • Takut Ngaca – Eisoptrophobia,
  • Takut Ngebut – Tachophobia,
  • Takut Ngengat – Mottophobia,
  • Takut Noda – Rupophobia,
  • Takut Nomer – Numerophobia,
  • Takut Nyeri – Algophobia,
  • Takut Obat Baru – Neopharmaphobia,
  • Takut Ombak – Cymophobia,
  • Takut Operasi – Tomophobia,
  • Takut Orang Asing – Xenophobia,
  • Takut Orang Botak – Peladophobia,
  • Takut Orang Buntung – Apotemnophobia,
  • Takut Orang Suci – Hagiophobia,
  • Takut Panas – Thermophobia,
  • Takut Parasit – Parasitophobia,
  • Takut Paus – Papaphobia,
  • Takut Peluru – Ballistophobia,
  • Takut Pembicaraan Dinner – Deipnophobia,
  • Takut Pendapat – Allodoxaphobia,
  • Takut Pengemis – Hobophobia,
  • Takut Peralatan Listrik – Electrophobia,
  • Takut Perancis – Francophobia,
  • Takut Perjalanan – Hodophobia,
  • Takut Perkara Hukum – Liticaphobia,
  • Takut Perubahan – Metathesiophobia,
  • Takut Petir – Astrapophobia,
  • Takut Pikiran – Psychophobia,
  • Takut Pin – Balenephobia,
  • Takut Pingsan – Ashenophobia,
  • Takut Pohon – Dendrophobia,
  • Takut Politikus – Politicophobia,
  • Takut Puisi – Mertophobia,
  • Takut Pusaran Air – Dinophobia,
  • Takut Rabies – Hydrophobophobia,
  • Takut Racun – Toxiphobia
  • Takut Rambut – Chaetophobia,
  • Takut Rasa – Geumaphobia,
  • Takut Rayap – Isopterophobia,
  • Takut Reptil – Batrachophobia,
  • Takut Ruangan Kosong – Kenophobia,
  • Takut Rumah – Ecophobia,
  • Takut Rumah Sakit – Nosocomephobia,
  • Takut Rusia – Russophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Diabetes – Diabetophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Ginjal – Albuminurophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Jantung – Cardiophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Jiwa – Dementophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Kolera – Cholerophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Kulit – Dermatophathophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Kusta – Leprophobia,
  • Takut Sakit Otak – Meningitiophobia,
  • Takut Salju – Chionophobia,
  • Takut Saudara – Syngenesophobia,
  • Takut Sayuran – Lachanophobia,
  • Takut Semangat – Pneumatiphobia,
  • Takut Semut – Myrmecophobia,
  • Takut Sendiri – Isolophobia,
  • Takut Senjata Api – Hoplophobia,
  • Takut Senjata Nuklir – Nucleomituphobia,
  • Takut Sepeda – Cyclophobia,
  • Takut Serangga – Epistaxiophobia,
  • Takut Seruling – Aulophobia,
  • Takut Sesuatu dari Kiri – Sinistrophobia,
  • Takut Sesuatu yang Baru – Kainolophobia,
  • Takut Sesuatu yang Baru – Neophobia,
  • Takut Sesuatu yang Kecil – Microphobia,
  • Takut Silau – Photoaugliaphobia,
  • Takut Simbol – Symbolophobia,
  • Takut Simetris – Symmetrophobia,
  • Takut Sinar X – Radiophobia,
  • Takut Situasi yang Menakutkan – Counterphobia,
  • Takut Skabies – Scabiophobia,
  • Takut Suara – Acousticophobia,
  • Takut Suara Keras – Ligyrophobia,
  • Takut Suara Telpon – Phonophobia,
  • Takut Subuh – Eosophobia,
  • Takut Sungai – Potamophobia,
  • Takut Surga – Ouranophobia,
  • Takut Tabuhan – Spheksophobia,
  • Takut Tai – Coprophobia,
  • Takut Anak Anak – Pedophobia,
  • Takut Tali – Cnidophobia,
  • Takut Tambah Berat – Obesophobia,
  • Takut Tanaman – Batonophobia,
  • Takut Tangga – Climacophobia,
  • Takut Tanggung Jawab – Paralipophobia,
  • Takut Tantangan – Heresyphobia,
  • Takut Tawon – Melissophobia,
  • Takut TBC – Phthisiophobia,
  • Takut Tebing – Cremnophobia,
  • Takut Teknologi – Technophobia,
  • Takut Tekstur Tertentu – Textophobia,
  • Takut Telanjang – Gymnophobia,
  • Takut Telpon – Telephophobia,
  • Takut Tempat Sempit – Stenophobia,
  • Takut Tempat Terbuka – Agoraphobia,
  • Takut Tempat Tertentu – Topophobia,
  • Takut Tempat Tertutup – Claustrophobia,
  • Takut Tempat Tinggi Terbuka – Aeroacrophobia,
  • Takut Terbahak – Geliophobia,
  • Takut Terbang – Pteromerhanophobia,
  • Takut Tergantung pada Orang – Soteriophobia,
  • Takut Terkontaminasi Debu – Misophobia,
  • Takut Terkunci – Cleisiophobia,
  • Takut Tidak Sempurna – Atelophobia,
  • Takut Tidak Simetris – Asymmetriphobia,
  • Takut Tidur – Clinophobia,
  • Takut Tidur – Somniphobia,
  • Takut Tikus – Murophobia,
  • Takut Tikus – Suriphobia,
  • Takut Tikus Besar – Zemmiphobia,
  • Takut Tornado – Lilapsophobia,
  • Takut Tuhan – Theophobia,
  • Takut Tulisan Tangan – Graphophobia,
  • Takut Tuma – Verminophobia,
  • Takut Uang – Chrematophobia,
  • Takut Ujian – Tertaphobia,
  • Takut Ular – Ophidiophobia,
  • Takut Upacara Seremonial – Teleophobia,
  • Takut Vaksinasi – Vaccinophobia,
  • Takut Vertigo – Illyngophobia,
  • Takut Waktu – Chronophobia,
  • Takut Wangi-Wangian – Osphesiophobia,
  • Takut Wanita Cantik – Caligynephobia,
  • Takut Wanita Sihir – Vitricophobia,
  • Takut Warga – Anthropophobia,
  • Takut Warna – Chromatophobia,
  • Takut Warna Hitam – Melanophobia,
  • Takut Warna Kuning – Xanthophobia,
  • Takut Warna Putih – Leukophobia,
  • Takut Warna Ungu – Porphyrophobia,
  • Takut Wayang – Pupaphobia.


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Anonymous said...

Gw pteronophobia -_-